Biggles: Delivers The Goods

Biggles: Delivers The Goods

Ginger felt the blood drain from his face. The muscles seemed to go stiff. For a few seconds he could not speak. 'Was the name of the prisoner given?' he blurted. 'No.' 'It doesn't matter,' muttered Ginger. 'There could be only one Gosling in that area. They've got Algy!' Late in the Second World War Biggles and his team are in Malaya, operating a secret commando under the nose of the Japanese occupiers. Algy is captured after his plane goes down over the Indian Ocean but Biggles will not abandon him. A night raid is called for...

Additional Information

Author W.E.Johns
No. of Pages 205
I.S.B.N 0-09-939441-3
Release Date 30-11--0001
In Shabdasneha since 01-01-1970

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